Mobile Marketing

Key Mobile Marketing Strategies for 2021

The arrival of the new year 2021 has brought with it new changes in many sectors of society. Mobile marketing is one of them, a sector that will start a new era, according to the AppsFlyer platform. This new stage will be characterized by machine learning, probabilistic methods and careful attention to user privacy.

The leading company in the mobile attribution segment shares some thoughts on trends for 2021 in the online marketing and advertising sector. Mariano Miculitzki, AppsFlyer’s sales director for northern and southern Europe, affirms that “in 2021 there will be changes that will lead to challenges for those involved in the marketing sector. The common denominator will be that digital transformation will continue to accelerate, generating growth opportunities within the mobile applications market.

Consumer privacy and probabilistic attribution

Apple will soon launch the framework called ‘App Tracking Transparency’ (ATT) which involves disabling the advertising identifier by default on all its devices. Therefore, it is predictable that, without the collection of the IDFA (Identifier for Advertiser), it will be much more complex for marketers to accurately measure the effectiveness of their ads, do retargeting campaigns and monetize their work, especially when it is focus on iOS users.

These challenges will imply new opportunities for the entire industry in 2021, demanding a broad sense of adaptation and innovation to ensure the development and adoption of those solutions that meet end-user privacy needs in iOS, even when IDFA does not exist. within the exchange of information.

“While this may seem harsh for marketers, it is worth noting that the changes Apple is making are in line with a growing paradigm that puts consumer privacy at the fore. In principle, these changes have been driven by regulations such as the RDGP in Europe and the CCPA in the United States. The changes around IDFA in iOS will help drive the adoption of techniques and processes that will give preference to the aggregation of data for analysis or to obtain the consent of the user to allow the use of their data ”, Miculitzki details.

In this context, the data that is used to feed probabilistic methods will have greater weight as a solution for mobile marketing from 2021 onwards. This is stated by marketers in a global survey developed by the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) in response to the changes that have occurred around the IDFA.

Omnichannel measurement

Users feel more and more comfortable interacting with brands through available devices (for example, mobile terminals and touch terminals, among others), which will make the conversion process more complex as users move more fluently between the web and the mobile.

In this sense, Miculitzki adds that “those responsible for marketing will have the challenge of measuring the actions of users through different channels and devices, but understanding that they represent a whole.” The days when users were treated as silos or watertight compartments are over. For this reason, “the focus of marketing will be on omnichannel marketing, leveraging data-driven insights to generate a holistic understanding of the customer lifecycle,” concluded AppsFlyer’s sales director.